Week 3 – Projection Mapping

During the space of this workshop we were taught about what projection mapping was. I was showed some examples of early projection mapping and then different consumer software I can use to create my own work.

An example of Early projection mapping was Disney Lands Haunted Mansion from 1969 which featured what looked like floating ghosts but was actually clever uses of projectors and projection mapping.

I was then showed an app which can be downloaded on to an Mobile device called DynaMapper. I was showed a demonstration using this app which seemed easy and straight forward to use and then once connected up to a projector created effective results using the space and lines of the area being projected onto.

The next piece of software we were showed was for laptops and computers. The Software is called Heavy M. It felt a little more advanced than DynaMapper, but still managed to deliver similar effects. I downloaded Heavy M myself so I could play around with it.

During my workshop my tutor held a demonstration involving a small mock city as seen in the images below. The demonstration was creating shapes of the individual building and then filling it with either colour of moving image to create the effect of projection mapping.

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I found this workshop to be really interesting as i have never been introduced to projection mapping. I have seen it used many times as places such as theatres, museums and at live music concerts but never really understood at how it was carried out.

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